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Reliable Performance Testing up to 8 A RMS

Electrosurgical analyzer
Reliable Performance Testing up to 8 A RMS

The Uni-Therm analyzer tests and calibrates high-frequency generators while guiding the user through all test procedures safely. The device is fully compliant with IEC 60601–2–2/ EN 60601–2–2. An non-inductive high-power loadbank can test performance up to 8 A RMS (root mean square), making the analyzer a diverse testing device for calibration and performance tests of conventional and high-power electrosurgical generators. The integrated loadbanks can produce detailed power distribution curves from 0 to 5115 V in 5-V increments and offer a safe working practice since all required resistances are enclosed in a casing. The analyzer features contact quality monitoring that can test the patient electrodes continuously and variably for every 1-V resistance. Other features include an internal memory, automatic control of Cut/Coag, test automation, and data management. The color screen displays detailed step-by-step instructions.

Rigel Medical, Peterlee, UK, phone +44 191 587 8730
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