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Expanding Activity in Europe

Digital health network
Expanding Activity in Europe

The international D Health Catalyst network is a platform for cooperation and the development of business models in digital health. It is currently expanding activities to German-speaking countries as well: the new office opened in Berlin in September 2015.

Steven Dodsworth, CEO at D Health, explains: “Digital health is international. Solutions that were conceived and developed for one country can usually be implemented and used in other countries as well.” Experts hope to use digital solutions to face the many challenges of the future and to create a payable, high-quality, and well networked healthcare system. D Health sees itself as a catalyst for bringing together users who alone do not have the potential to develop new solutions due to a lack of innovative capacity, market knowledge, or capital. Digital solutions could even be brought to the market through cooperation.
D Health was founded in Inverness, Scotland, is now headquartered in London. It works with its members in a few countries in Europe, in the USA, and in the Middle East. Members of the organization come from software development, medical technology, and the pharmaceutical industry.
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